Friday, October 18, 2013

Three Things Jesus Wants to Change

I don't really know why modern day sermons always have three points.  Perhaps its because it easier for Pastors to remember, or for the brothers and sisters they are talking too to remember, or perhaps it's because when you finally get to point #3 everyone knows the sermon is close to finish, and they can get excited because it's almost done?  (just kidding, but not really).  Anyway I had always wondered why Jesus talks so little to the 12 disciples about lust - these are 12 healthy young men, who must have struggled with lust - pretty much every guy I talk to this is one of their greatest struggles, area of temptation, and place of failure - including myself.  So why doesn't Jesus address it more aggressively?  [I don't know - yet].  But as I thought about this I realized there were at least three things clearly that Jesus wanted His disciples to be changed/transformed in:  (you can add others - I would love to get your understanding).  And I write this because perhaps the struggles that we have are not as serious as what Jesus sees in us.

1. Their lack of compassion:  Jesus had to continually remind them to; 1) let the little children come to me, don't stop them - care for the children.  2) feed the hungry, but they would always say - we don't have enough, where can we buy bread enough for them to eat, etc.. 3) Send her away - the syrophonecian woman who had a daughter who was demon possessed and kept on following Jesus asking for mercy.  4) Simon Peter cutting off the high priest servant's ear - and Jesus prays it back on.     It seemed that the disciples were more concerned about their schedule and their plans and their resources rather than the genuine needs of others.  Jesus addresses their lack of compassion.  When Lord, did we see you naked and not clothe you, or hungry and not feed you, or in prison and not visit you?  When you didn't do unto the least of these, you didn't do it unto ME.   Now mind you they are not hating on people (except the last one when Peter hacks off the ear), but they are not truly loving others.

2. Their lack of faith: Jesus has to continually rebuke and repove His disciples for their lack of faith: 1) Oh you of little faith why did you doubt 2) if you have faith the size of a mustard you can tell this mountain to be moved 3) you wicked and perverse generation how long must I stay with you - where is your faith.  Now I know they have faith, but they have just not placed all of it into Jesus.  They are not holding onto Jesus, rather they are holding onto their skills, their plans, their resources, the reaction of others, the circumstances, and I wonder if that isn't really the source of many of my struggles - because if I simply believed and had faith, then I wouldn't fear and try to get satisfaction from anything else than Jesus.

3) Their lack of humility: 1) I want to sit on the right or left of Jesus 2)Tell that guy to stop preaching your Name Jesus, he isn't one of us!  2) Jesus you will not go to the Cross, even if I have to die with You I will not deny You!  Jesus has to remind them again and again, unless you become like a little child you can not - you will not enter the Kingdom of God, the first shall be the last the last shall be the first, unless a kernel of wheat falls to the ground and dies it can not bear fruit!  Remain in me, and I will remain in you.  Apart from me you can do nothing. 

So perhaps I need to see if these issues have been dealt with in my life, otherwise - I may be focused on things that Jesus doesn't really mind, but not submitting to Him what does bother Him. 

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